Tuesday, January 30, 2007

dealing with stress

Have you noticed the multitude of articles, books, and other information about dealing with stress that seem to be out there these days? It just struck me the other day, when I was paging through a magazine in a waiting room. While they seem to have good suggestions to offer, like getting some exercise, watching your diet, relaxation techniques, and so on, I think they're missing out on another area that could be of help.
You've probably heard the phrase about picking up on other people's "vibes." Well, that description is pretty accurate, because actually we are all composed of energy, and each of us emits our very own "force field." Likewise, thoughts and words are forms of energy as well. And when we suffer from stress, often it's because of the pressure of negative thoughts we may have or that we "pick up" from others.
Just like dirt that can accumulate on the body, this negative energy can accumulate as well. What I've found to be very helpful is to do what I call an "energy cleansing." This is a simple visualization that you can perform whenever you wish, but it's especially useful at the end of the day.
Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine that a golden shower of light is descending on you, starting from the top of your head. Visualize it moving downwards through all the parts of your body, cleaning any dark spots that may be there. See it pushing this "sludge" of dark negative energy out of your body down through the soles of your feet into the ground. Keep visualizing this golden light doing its clearing action until there is only the light left in your body. Open your eyes and sit for a few minutes, enjoying the sense of calm and peace.
So, why not try this little exercise the next time you're feeling stressed? I hope it will help.


Care for a stroll down memory lane? I was doing some research on the Web the other day and ran across an interesting and tragic bit of trivia about the first "memory system." Evidently the first person to devise a way of memory training was a Greek poet and orator named Simonides, around 477 BC. His memory system came about quite accidentally. He had been invited to attend a party for a wrestler who had recently won the Olympic games and during this festive affair, he was asked to recite poetry for the group.
As chance would have it, he had to leave before the party was over, and shortly afterwards the ceiling collapsed, killing everyone in the house. The bodies were so damaged that there was little to help identify all the guests who had were present. However, while he had been reciting, Simonides had been looking at his audience and where they were sitting. Later, by looking at the appropriate places, Simonides was able to recall the names of the people. This made him think that attaching names, objects, or ideas to a place could help recall them.
Almost 2,500 years later, modern scientific research on the brain has discovered why this technique works. It works because it combines the left-brain "job" of handling words, lists, and numbers with the right-brain one of processing rhythm, imagination, color, shape, and space.

If you want to try this technique for yourself, here's a memory exercise that could come in handy. The first step is to set up a "place." Visualize a room in your home. Mentally going around the room, starting on the left-hand side, imagine each object as you would come to it, like a chair, or sofa, or wall hanging, and assign it a number. Then add anything in the center of the room and give it a number as well. Go over this mental picture of your room until you can call it up easily.
Then, when you have some items you want to remember, imagine a vivid picture of each one and mentally place it on the numbered object in your "room." And when you need to recall your list of items, you just imagine the room and the numbered objects and the pictures of the items you "placed" on each one.
Have fun with this, and give your brain a good workout at the same time!

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