While I am a big believer in seeking contentment in life, I know that a breakfast cereal or certain car model is not going to help me find it. Moreover, I don't believe it is possible to achieve a constant state of happiness. Just think about it, the feeling of being intensely happy never lasts for long. Yes, we can be happy about a new job, extra money or even a bigger car, but such feelings of happiness and elation are fleeting.
The people who seem to have the most contentment in life have something that brings them a sense of purpose. It could be a creative project, involvement helping others or even a spiritual quest. For myself, I have discovered that my work as an advisor is what makes me feel good. However, it is different for everyone and this is what I share with my clients when they come to me needing direction or lacking enthusiasm in their lives. I ask them to think about the things that bring meaning to their life and that give them a sense of purpose and then look for ways to fulfill that purpose.
Sometimes it could be something as small as taking a little walk in nature, tending a garden or calling to check up on a friend or neighbor. The positive feelings these moments bring are mean to be savored. There are many ways to experience contentment in your life. You just have to find what works for you. In my experience, once you start this process, it becomes easier and easier. It is about taking the time to honor our selves and those around us.