Monday, August 30, 2010

My Brothers Band in Dominican REpublic

en el parquesito de la lincoln...: "

Si bien creemos que las cosas planeadas tienen mayor posibilidad de quedar bien y ciertamente salir victoriosos... también es cierto que las improvisaciones o las cosas 'rapidas' 'espontaneas' son maravillosas... Estos videos y fotografías que veran a continuación son una muestra de 'éso espontaneo'... Estabamos viendo a colegas en el parque de la Lincoln cuando de repente nos llaman al escenario y pues... ni modo.... hicimos lo que pudimos DE LO MEJOR. ;_

Thursday, August 19, 2010

These Tubes Are Old!: Vintage Website Ads

Wow Love this ads! They are fantastic.

These Tubes Are Old!: Vintage Website Ads: "vintage-ad-1.jpg

This is one in a series of vintage ads for current websites as imagined by Brazilian advertising agency Moma. Mmmm, I can almost smell the old magazines.

the ads were designed for an upcoming media seminar with the overall theme of 'what's new today, is old tomorrow', so they retro stylized Facebook, Youtube and Skype (and Twitter, not in English).

Oh man, I love looking at vintage ads. Especially the underwear ones. There's no telling what kind of crazy-ass bush is lurking behind those granny panties!

Hit the jump for the other three.



Facebook: 'the enchantment next look in social team-ups' [brandrepublic]

Thanks to anonymous, who may or may not have traveled back to the future past to bring these ads to us (I suspect he didn't)."

A Voice? Where Were Going You Dont Need A Voice: Texting, The Informational Graphic

A Voice? Where Were Going You Dont Need A Voice: Texting, The Informational Graphic: "texting-cut.jpg

Note: This is only only a small portion of the chart, you're gonna need to hit the jump to see it in all it's button-mashing glory.

Texting: everybody does it. Some more than others *ahem, little girls!* but everybody does it. Somebody who tells you they've never texted before is either a pathological liar or too old to be driving. But that's not what I came here to talk about. What I came to talk about is sexting. Now let's say somebody accidentally took a picture of himself with a face drawn on his crotch (using his penis for the nose) and accidentally sent it to everybody in his phonebook. Is there a way to like, unsend that? I'm asking for a friend.

Hit the jump for the whole graphic.

The Rise of Text Messaging
The Kids Are Texting a Frightening Amount [gizmodo]"

Today’s Special

Today’s Special: "

Buy 1 pay for 2



Os Gemeos and Futura paint NY school

Os Gemeos and Futura paint NY school: "

Brazilian artists Otavio and Gustavo Pandolfo (also known as 'Os Gemeos') and graffiti legend Futura have just completed an 80-feet-high mural on the wall of a New York school.

The project was driven by New York-based creative studio AKANYC and street art website 12ozProphet with support from Nike (tying in with its World Basketball Festival) and paint company MTN Colors.

The mural is on the west-facing wall of P.S. 11, William T. Harris elementary school, in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City. Work began on the afternoon of Friday, August 6, and was completed today, August 13.

The overall theme, we are told, is a message of international unity. Os Gemeos' iconic yellow character (sometimes referred to as as 'the giant' or ʻgiganteʼ) is adorned with flags representing countries around the globe. Of the design, Os Gemeos says, 'We are using different flags painted with non-traditional colours. The idea is 'one world one voice', no borders, no separation, just everything and everyone working together for a single cause that is a better world.' Seems like they did the bulk of the work, with Futura adding details within the overall scheme.

AKANYC creative director Allen Benedikt hopes 'to create a regular mural series that we believe will inspire and enrich the creative communities throughout the city'.

All images courtesy AKANYC


Bike South Marketing Communication Plan for MKT571

Proposition for a marketing class at university of phoenix level Master in Business administration

Create your own video slideshow at

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Plastic model kit business card

Plastic model kit business card: "


Designed by Bangkok advertising agency CreativeJuice for plastic model kit giant Tamiya, the letters in this card can be popped out and snapped together to build a robot, a plane, a boat, or a car. [via NOTCOT]

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Digg this!"

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How People Feel About Online Advertising

How People Feel About Online Advertising: "

Retargeter has an interesting infographic on online advertising (click for the large version):


Google Font Previewer

Google Font Previewer: "

Google has released a tool which lets you preview and live-edit fonts which are part of the Google Font API. It’s called Google Font Previewer and features fonts like Vollkorn, Lobster, Cardo and Reanie Beanie. Once you’re done tweaking a font, you can copy the HTML snippet Google shows into your own page.

[By Philipp Lenssen | Origin: Google Font Previewer | Comments]

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Google With Direct Dictionary Result

Google With Direct Dictionary Result: "

Perhaps bad news for the traffic of dictionary sites, which often don’t show the actual word definition in the search engine snippets: Google now has a onebox of their own immediately offering the definition(s) for certain words you’re searching for. Try enter e.g. pleasant into and the top will read: “pleas·ant/ˈplezənt/Adjective ... 1. Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment. ... 2. (of a person or their manner) Friendly and considerate; likable.”

Not too long ago, Google used to link words to in the right hand side; before that, They later switched to their own definitions page, but then had that link removed completely (it was somewhat useful to check if you were writing a word correctly, though). Now a dictionary is back for certain words – I suppose words people often want to look up in a dictionary, per Google’s usage stats – and more immediate, too. Note entering e.g. define:pleasant still works, too, and triggers a bit of a more extensive page.

[Thanks Drtimofey!]

[By Philipp Lenssen | Origin: Google With Direct Dictionary Result | Comments]

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NBC | Peacock

This is a NBC Peacock

Lulu's shared items

Little Lulu Show Intro