Os Gemeos and Futura paint NY school: "

Brazilian artists Otavio and Gustavo Pandolfo (also known as 'Os Gemeos') and graffiti legend Futura have just completed an 80-feet-high mural on the wall of a New York school.
The project was driven by New York-based creative studio AKANYC and street art website 12ozProphet with support from Nike (tying in with its World Basketball Festival) and paint company MTN Colors.

The mural is on the west-facing wall of P.S. 11, William T. Harris elementary school, in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City. Work began on the afternoon of Friday, August 6, and was completed today, August 13.

The overall theme, we are told, is a message of international unity. Os Gemeos' iconic yellow character (sometimes referred to as as 'the giant' or ʻgiganteʼ) is adorned with flags representing countries around the globe. Of the design, Os Gemeos says, 'We are using different flags painted with non-traditional colours. The idea is 'one world one voice', no borders, no separation, just everything and everyone working together for a single cause that is a better world.' Seems like they did the bulk of the work, with Futura adding details within the overall scheme.

AKANYC creative director Allen Benedikt hopes 'to create a regular mural series that we believe will inspire and enrich the creative communities throughout the city'.

All images courtesy AKANYC