Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Vintage Ads we will never see today

Griffin Microsheen (1957)
Advertising has drawn some bold connections over time, but I’m still at a loss as to how cleavage and shoe polish go together—or maybe that was the point. Somehow, I picture Mrs. Cleaver not allowing this particular brand in her home.

Mixed metaphors
I couldn’t help myself. The following ads are for everything from frankfurters to office projection equipment that had to have been over the top both now and then.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The future of TV

From 3D television units to interactive TV scheduling, we look at where is television is headed from now.

3D TV and interactive TV scheduling are changing the fact of television
Put your hand against the screen: scheduling will become interactive; it will be far more about the viewer than about the broadcaster

When the BBC broadcast its first public television signal – 80 years ago on Wednesday – the experience for viewers was utterly unlike that of 2009. John Logie Baird’s electromechanical system was housed in boxes that dominated rooms, yet now screens less than an inch thick hang on walls and “content” is broadcast, downloaded, streamed and even user-generated.

Television has come a long way, but does anyone know where it’s going? On this page we examine the key themes that will shape television, from digital switchover to 3D, but the over-arching debate about how television and technology will combine in the future centres on one thing: interactivity....


Motivational Poster

Glenn Beck Struggles to (Weasel Out of Having to) Explain His "White Culture" Comment

Subliminal advertising really does work, claim scientists

Subliminal advertising really does work, claim scientists who found that people subconsciously respond to flashed messages - especially if they are negative.

Researchers found that briefly displaying words and images so quickly that people do not even consciously notice, does nevertheless change their thinking.

They found it was particularly effective with negative images and words which could alter a person’s mood. ...

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A unique Wedding invite (i want one)

info from

Lulu's shared items

Little Lulu Show Intro