Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Are you "lucky"?

Are you "lucky"? Well, that may just depend on your state of mind – at least according to a British psychologist, Professor Richard Wiseman. I was reading a study he had done of 400 people from all walks of life, half of whom considered themselves "lucky" and the other half classified themselves as "unlucky." It seems that those people who considered themselves lucky had certain differences in how they thought and acted from the "unlucky" group.
The lucky people were relaxed, open to new things and new people, and were quick to spot opportunities. Unlucky people tended to be more tense, stuck in routines and afraid of anything new, and unwilling to take a risk.
Lucky people trusted their gut instincts and had a positive attitude – they expected good fortune or a good outcome. And, as you can guess, the unlucky ones always expected the worst.
When something unfortunate happened to the lucky ones, they were able to deal with it in a positive way. They did this by imagining that things could have been worse, and didn't dwell on their misfortune, but took control of the situation. The unlucky ones of course brooded on their misfortune, and it only confirmed to them how "unlucky" they were.
So that old saying about "you make your own luck" could turn out to be true. Here are a few tips you might want to try, to increase your own "luck."
Write down six new things to try out (anything from a new food, or a visit to a new place, or a new hobby) that you can accomplish in a month.
Be more open to talking to people you don't know. Start your own "network." The more people you know, the more ideas and opportunities you have access to.
When you get up in the morning, assume that the day will be a good one and everything you do will turn out for the best.
Keep a "luck" journal. At the end of each day, take a few moments to write down only the positive and lucky things that happened. After a month, you can't help but recognize all the good things that are happening.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

REalmente lo que quiero.

Believe, Creer, Siempre he tenido lo que he querido… creo que fui mal acostumbrada desde pequeña, pero la verdad es que esto me ha ayudado bastante porque hasta que no obtengo lo que quiero no estoy tranquila.

Pero que exactamente es lo que quiero? Es la pregunta que me hago todos los dias. Siempre Le pedimos a Dios que nos conseda un deseo pero en realidad es eso exactamente lo que queremos? Generalemente terminamos arrepintiendonos de lo que queremos todos los dias.

Yo sin embargo le agradezco a dios la familia que me dio. No me puedo quejar tengo mucho amor de parte de ellos.

Sin mencionar a mis amigos y conocidos que cada dia me sorprenden mas.

Pero aun falta algo pero no se que es. Unos dicen: bueno de na que porque no tienes novio… En realidad es eso? Nah!!! Muchos han sobrevivido sin eso. Amor tengo demas. Comprension muchisima. Entonces que es lo que busco. Alguien con quien compartir siempre… Uff tengo muchas personas.

Pero es que cada dia me alejo mas de todos. Temo a caer en esas garras de lo que quiero, es mas, llegar a loq ue es decepcion. Porque aun me pregunto: que es exactamente lo que quiero?

Es muy duro creer tener algo que nunca tuviste. Y mas cuando soy tan soñadora y tan confiada en los demas… Claro alma de doble filo que viene acompañada de caprichos.

Ser humano al fin. Quiero tener algo que no tengo, pero para que? Si ya cuando lo tenga no lo queiro. EL ser humano es asi de caprichoso… y si le hechas a eso una dosis de egoismo ahi es que se pone peor la cosa.

Mi verdad es tan profunda. Quien Realmente Soy? es mi pregunta. Todos los dias me levanto temprano par air a trabajar por algo que realmente vale la pena, algo para mi algo que dejara una huella en mi camino, bueno varias huellas. Lo hago por que quiero? En realidad no lo se. estoy tratando de crecer. Pero no se como. Cada dia se hace mas dificil.

Que es loq ue realmente quiero dejar en mi camino incrustada a esa huella? Pues algo estoy aprendiendo y es dejar que fluyan las cosas. Es dificil ser paciente con lo desesperada que soy. Pero nada haces si colapsas por la ansiedad.

Como volvi al principio… porque vale la pena esforzarse a tener algo si ya cuando lo tienes ya no lo quieres. Que tanto lo quieres que no te arrepentiras cuando lo tenga.

Asi por eso como no se lo que quiero, ni tampoco que tanto lo quiero… no luchare por lo que quiero porque lo que quiero no esta a mi alcance, y asi mismo no me alcanza. Por que modesta al fin y para llenarme de ponpones creo que ningun ser humano merece que llore de tristeza.

Lo mejor sera Dejarlo ir… porque como dice el refran dejalo ir y si regresa es porque era para ti.

Lamentablemente Todos se van, Pero la real pregunta, que pasa con los que se quedan.?

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Me dicen la Aguacatona

con estilito
Aunque un poco seca
Nadie la reta, ella es toda una meta
Como un trofeo en pista-y-campo
Como un salto a lo alto
Como un homerun bien largo
Detrás de ella va un fan club de palgos
Y ella menea, y mi pichón pistonea
Hay que pensar en cosas feas
Pa' que no haya pelea
Con su nalgaje de alto voltaje
Y su trajecito encaje
Ella es la aguacatona

Con su estilito Europeo de Roma
Regando to' el aroma por el lobby
Yo la vi, como piscolabis
Y me acerque en la disco
Guilla'o de Sisqo
Y me tire como si fuera un risco

¿Mira, andas sola?
¿Hay luna llena, quieres ser mi loba?
¡Tengo un bulova y ando en una limo!
¡Por dentro huele a pino!
¡No tengas miedo, soy un tipo fino!
¡Yo bailo lo que sea!
¡Es mas, me tiro el split chino!
¿Te asusto lo del chino?
¡No te pongas histérica!
¡Yo bailo como Chayanne en "Fiesta En América", entonces!

¡Ay, nene, cállate!
¡Evita el roce!

Diablo, esto se fue de foul ball...
Es más, por la vía del ponche...
Me han tira'o con un rocket launcher...

(Con un poco de blush, agarro el touch!)
(Y a los nenes les doy flush!)
(Échate pa' atrás, que mi falda tiene espinas!)
(Mi negrito, yo no soy tu china!)
(Con un poco de blush, agarro el touch!)
(Y a los nenes les doy flush!)
(Échate pa' atrás, que mi falda tiene espinas!)
(Mi negrito, yo no soy tu china!)

Okay, me quede pega'o en la pista
La chamaca me salio lista
Pero yo tengo más ristras
Voy pa' la barra
Dame un shot de ron
Pa' agarrarle el son
Que este cabezón esta que estilla
A cualquier diabla la pilla
Por mi madre que le tiro a las novias
A las casadas, y a las chillas
Voy a cien millas sin control
Ahora voy a brillar más que el Armor-All
Con el autoestima bien alta
Porque la noche es larga
Y si no se va fina, se va palga

Mira, mira, mira
Para, socio, suaveson
Tú vas mas violento que Sylvester Stallone
Baja los niveles de acción, mi hermano
Aquí no hay prisa...
(¡Pero es que tengo un queso!)
Mira, Bobby, olvídate de eso
Mira, cuando tú entras
Tú la coges lenta
Te das tres chicles de menta
Pa' tumbar el tufo de cigarrillo
Primero, vela que no haya corillo
Que este sola, y si anda con alguien
Pues, te las guillas de pillo
Te vas por atrás, por donde esta el cargamento
Listo pa' revolcar el cemente
Pegadito, y lento, no digas nada
Haz buche y traga, que va a empezar la saga

Y me solté como si estuviera en casa
Envolvimos nuestras masas
En un salad bar de grasa
La piel embarra' en sudor de salsa
Ella curándome como toda una enfermera
Estrujando el cuero como los cepeda
Toda una quimera, una diablita mezcla' con bandolera
Estuvimos bailando la noche entera
Hasta que me salieron ojeras
Me hizo brujerías la hechicera
Como goldfish en pecera me dejo flotando
Calentando el caldo, directo al mambo
Sin perder el tiempo, ya tú sabes
Lo dulcecito es cuando bajas lento
Soplar tu aliento con olor a mento
Bien guayadito a lo Freddy Kenton
Bueno, pero cuando le voy a hablar
Pa' pedirle el celular
Se logro escapar
Sin yo poderle untar
Mi crema de afeitar
Esto no la hace, pai

(Con un poco de blush, agarro el touch!)
(Y a los nenes les doy flush!)
(Échate pa' atrás, que mi falda tiene espinas!)
(Mi negrito, yo no soy tu china!)
(Con un poco de blush, agarro el touch!)
(Y a los nenes les doy flush!)
(Échate pa' atrás, que mi falda tiene espinas!)
(Mi negrito, yo no soy tu china!)

Quiero que seas HElado

Porque no puedo llenar tus dudas y derretirte tan solo un poquito?

He tratado de que entiendas que eres mi sueño.
Pero me temo que cada cosa que hago te puede herir.
Es que sigues a tado a tu memoria y eso hace que nos mantengamos separados.

Porque no puedo llenar tus dudas y derretirte tan solo un poquito?

Otro amor que dejaste en el pasado te hizo mucho daño.
y no entiendo porque mi corazon tiene que pagar por algo que no hice.
Es la rabia de palabras no dichas que hacen que mis lagrmas broten.

Porque no puedo llenar tus dudas y derretirte tan solo un poquito?

Hubo un tiempo en el que crei que me pertenecia, pero como tener algo que nunca he tenido.
Y ahora se que tu corazon esta atado a tu memoria.
Pues cada vez que aprendo a que me importes mas siento que nos alejamos mas.

Porque no puedo llenar tus dudas y derretirte tan solo un poquito?

Sunday, February 4, 2007

How can you play with other ppls heart... by Daft Punk

How can you play with other ppls heart... by Daft Punk

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Crash it, change it, melt - upgrade it,
charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it,
snap it, work it, quick - erase it,
write it, get it, paste it, save it,
load it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
drag and drop it, zip - unzip it,
lock it, fill it, curl it, find it,
view it, curl it, jam - unlock it,
surf it, scroll it, pose it, click it,
cross it, crack it, twitch - update it,
name it, read it, tune it, print it,
scan it, send it, fax - rename it,
touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it,
turn it, leave it, stop - format it.

Saturday, February 3, 2007


I was reading an article the other day about the American poet William Carlos Williams. Evidently, he made a habit of carrying a small notepad around with him at all times. He used to write down things under the heading: "Things I noticed today that I've missed until today."
That got me wondering about how many things we all miss as we go about our days. If you're like me, you know it's easy to get caught up in a routine you've developed. And once you're in your routine, it's almost like being on automatic pilot for the rest of the day.
How often does it happen that you look back on your day and it just seems to be a blur? Doing the usual things in the usual way. Or maybe you were caught up in a flurry of activity and time passed before you knew it. It's a bit like that old saying about not seeing what's right in front of you. I know that happens a lot to me. The idea of stopping to notice what is in front of you and around you helps bring you back into the present moment and gives you a sense of truly being alive.
Why not give it a try, You could carry a small notepad, like Mr. Williams, or even use a time of day as a cue to stop and notice what is going on around you. We may not all be poets, but we can all capture that heightened awareness and sense of living in the moment that can give a boost to our days.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

fountain of youth

Well I'm back from my little getaway and feel recharged and ready to go. While I was away, I was reminded how important it is for us all to take a break every so often in order to recharge ourselves.
Do you know that old legend about how the Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon, who was supposedly looking for the fountain of youth from tales told by local Indians, discovered Florida instead? Well, he wasn't the first person to be lured by a dream of eternal youth. Medieval stories claim Alexander the Great and others were also seeking it at one time and another.
And it seems like people are still looking for a fountain of youth in terms of creams or supplements or health regimens. But one thing I've noticed in studies of centenarians -- people who've lived 100 years or more -- is that they have certain things in common. And that's staying active, having interests, and keeping connected with their loved ones.
It's that important mind-body connection. Staying physically fit is important, but so also is keeping mentally and emotionally fit. Centenarians who were studied showed they handled stress well and were the type of people who could let their worries end at the end of each day. Like anyone else, they had their difficult or challenging experiences, but it was their positive response to those difficulties and challenges that enabled them to carry on.
So there may be a fountain of youth after all, but not exactly as we envisioned it. As the "ageless" Sophia Loren has said, "There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age."
And that's a fountain I think we can all dip into.


Do you have a "guilty pleasure"? I have to confess that I like to watch that reality show where an unsuspecting person has been nominated by friends and family for a wardrobe makeover. All of the subject's clothes are discussed and shown why they aren't flattering for the person, and then they are thrown in the trash. Then the person is given some new guidelines for clothing that will flatter their body type and has two days to shop for new clothes. And of course a new haircut and makeup are thrown in, too.
But what really makes the show interesting to me is that, without fail, each person describes how it has been a transforming experience, really going beyond just acquiring new clothes. They have come to look at themselves in a new light, and to recognize their good points and how to take advantage of them. And they acquire a better sense of self-worth and self-respect.
I think we could all do with a "makeover" every once in while, as a reminder of our good points and qualities that others see in us but that we might not be aware of or value properly. Why not trade doing makeovers with a friend or loved one? Instead of clothing tips, make a list of all of the other person's good qualities -- physical, emotional, and mental – and have them do the same for you. You could be surprised – and pleased – when you receive your new "makeover."

dreams come true

Would you like to help make your dreams come true? Well, sleep on it! There's actually a good basis for "sleeping" on a problem or concern that's bothering you. The ancient Egyptians may have been the first to develop the process of what is called "dream incubation." If someone had a problem, they would sleep in a sacred place, such as a temple, purifying themselves first, and then hope to receive an answer in a dream.
If you'd like to try this out, but you are one of us who never seem to be able to remember their dreams when they wake up, you might want to "practice" first. For two or three days, throughout the day, remind yourself that you will remember your dream when you wake up. And then, just before retiring, remind yourself again. Once you've started recalling your dreams, then you can begin the dream incubation process.
First, make sure you have a notebook or paper to write on and a pen or pencil by your bedside. Then, throughout the day, repeat to yourself your intention of what you would like to dream about. For example, "I will dream about solving the conflict at work," or "I will dream about my relationship with so-and-so." Then, before going to sleep, write the date and then your dream intention in the notebook and then repeat your intention aloud.
When you awake, jot down as many things you can remember about the dream, any images, or feelings. Do it quickly, and don't worry about it making any sense. If something is hard to describe, draw a sketch of your impressions. Later in the day, you can then go back to read your entry and start to piece it together. You can repeat this as often as you wish, as you gather more information.
This is a powerful way to tap into your intuition and subconscious creativity to help yourself in your waking life. So, sweet dreams!

Lulu's shared items

Little Lulu Show Intro