Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Woma who inspires

There is a woman who inspires me everyday, she is simple, consider not so ordinary she is special, she has a radiance something that comes from her smile, her positive attitude, the way she looks at you. When I first met her i was like, wow "She is Crazy", see her everyday will be a challenge, I saw her and the first thing that came in my mind was she was intimidating, yes! I was scared of her. I didn't even wanted to look at her. Days went by and her crazy look, her intimidating look was turning into positiveness, accepting life as it is, laugh about everything made me realize they are people that share my same virtue. So intelligent, every day she teach me something new. She gave me strength, I am telling you, since the beginning i thought i would never see her after work. Things change in the time and sometimes it surprises you LESSON #1. Strong woman, pleasant light, candid, and positive lady, I am glad I can see her now everyday, and one day let her know how grateful I am to have met her and tell her she is an inspiration to make me better. Work would not be as fun as it is without her, she the one that keeps me coming and i am happy I can count on her as she can count on me.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Benvenuti in Seletti

Seletti an italian company have created this awesom chair for Pantone lovers. What color you want?


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Google Custom Search Engine

Google Custom Search Engine Management Bug

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How to Survive a Job That Makes You Miserable - You 2.0.10 - Lifehacker

The economy being it what it is, jobs aren't exactly growing on trees. If you're stuck in one you hate, here are a few ideas to make it bearable until something better comes along.


Lulu's shared items

Little Lulu Show Intro