Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Add Questions APP to Facebook Page

Is so funny I encounter with this news. Today someone asked me How you engage with your client? Me a SMM - If social media is not engaging then what is it?

Amplify’d from mashable.com

Facebook released a new version of Questions late last week and will soon begin to roll the feature out to Facebook Pages as well.

1. Sign In To Your Facebook Page

2. Go To Facebook’s Questions Page

3. Ask Your First Question

See more at mashable.com

Friday, March 18, 2011

Facebook Slap to Groupon!

What we needed, Groupon, LivingSocial get Scared the Monster of Facebook is coming with all the power! Love it!

Amplify’d from www.insidefacebook.com

On Tuesday, Facebook began signing up users for Deals, its answer to Groupon and other group-buying services. Subscribers will receive updates in their news feed and potentially by email about pre-paid coupons and experiences they can purchase. Businesses can work with Facebook’s Merchant Services team to arrange and promote Deals such as discounts on going out to a restaurant, the movies, or a wine-tasting tour.

Instead, the new Facebook Deals is indeed a competitor to Groupon, and doesn’t require users to share their location. Instead, they’ll be able to share the news of their purchase. Facebook can increase at will the EdgeRank, or news feed visibility, of both initial updates about Deals and these user shares about purchases.

However, users have grown to love the news feed because it shows them what they care about, not ways to spend money. Deals could be both, but Facebook must make sure not to place low quality offers above important updates from friends. Otherwise, it risks reducing the news feed’s perceived value to users, which could negatively impact the site’s long-term engagement rate.

Read more at www.insidefacebook.com

How Japan is solving the Nuclear threat

This is the real news not sensationalism, not controversial, the real truth!

Amplify’d from mitnse.com

News Brief, 3/18/11, 10 AM EST

Spraying of spent fuel pools at Units 3 and 4 is still underway. Visual inspection of Unit 4’s pool showed water in the pool, and so efforts have been temporarily focused upon Unit 3. While efforts at using helicopters to dump water onto the pools had been largely unsuccessful , army firetrucks used in putting out aircraft fires have been employed with some success. The elite Tokyo Hyper Rescue component of the Tokyo fire department has arrived on scene and is conducting missions of roughly two hours in length, during which they spray the pools for 7-8 minutes, wait for steam to dissipate, and spray again.

Visual inspections have been conducted of both the central spent fuel pool, which contains 60% of the facility’s fuel, and the dry cask storage area. Water levels at the central pool have been described as “secured”, and the dry casks show “no signs of an abnormal situation”. More detailed checks of these areas are planned for the future.

A Japanese government agency has released the results of radiation measurements at dozens of monitoring posts. See the data here: http://www.mext.go.jp/component/a_menu/other/detail/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2011/03/18/1303727_1716.pdf.

As a result of these radiation measurements and the ongoing work, the Japanese Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency upgraded the event to a 5 on the INES scale. This is the same level as the Three Mile Island accident, and two steps below Chernobyl.

Read more at mitnse.com
See more at mitnse.com

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tripple Tag on Facebook comments

This is awesome now you can tag more people in a conversation an even untagged yourself from a mention on Facebook (is like Twitter but BeTT-eR!) Im telling you Facebook should hire me! I bet they had this opus on for a while though i knew we needed this since 2007.

Facebook is on Fire or let me say #Winning

Amplify’d from www.insidefacebook.com

Facebook users can now tag their friends, Pages, Groups, and Events in comments to news feed stories and wall posts to create linked mentions. This will help users carry on conversations with other commenters and allow them to easily reference different entities on Facebook.

Later Facebook began showing tag suggestions whenever a user capitalized a letter in an update or post, but later removed the feature since it interrupted users who weren’t actually trying to tag anything.

Update 3/12/2011: We’ve noticed that users can not untag themselves when tagged in comments, whereas they can untag themselves from tagged news feed or wall posts. This means the @ mentions could be abused to associate a user with content they might object to.

See more at www.insidefacebook.com

Lulu's shared items

Little Lulu Show Intro