Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy new year 2008

For many of us, the New Year is a time to examine our life and think about our goals for 2008. These goals often involve changing bad habits and behaviors and these are not easy tasks to undertake. However, I am here to say that whether it be putting down cigarettes, leaving off second helpings at mealtimes, giving up swear words or stopping bad spending habits, you can "ring out the old and bring in the new!"

The first thing you should ask yourself, is whether or not you truly wish to change a particular habit or behavior because breaking a habit requires clear intent and full commitment if you wish to be successful. I have some simple steps that can help prepare you to let go of old behaviors that are no longer welcome in your life.

First, take time to notice what triggers your behaviors and keep track of them. The more you know about how they get started, the more power you will have to change them. Next, you may wish to think about what the habit or behavior does for you. Does it increase your confidence, take away pain or fear or cause you to feel comforted? What new behavior or behaviors would you like to replace the old one with and how would these new and better behaviors feel when you use them?

Once you have some new behaviors in mind, you can begin to implement them in your daily life. Tell the people you are closest to what you are doing and why and then enlist their support. Having the support of others provides encouragement as well as makes you accountable to your loved ones.

Finally, accept that habits are not shifted instantly, and if you find an old habit sneaking up on you, don't worry. When you catch yourself in an old behavior, don't beat yourself up over it. Simply stop yourself and immediately replace it with the new behavior you have chosen. If you keep this process up, over time the new habit will take hold and you will be free from an old behavior that no longer serves you.

Friends, I hope that 2008 brings you the many wonderful blessings you so deserve. I want you to know that I am here for you and will do my part to help you achieve the life you seek.

Love love

1 comment:

  1. eeeeey! yo no sabia que esto existia!! en la tarde te pondre en mis favoritos y me sentare a leer todos tus post (es que ahora salgo corriendo pa' una grabacion). pasese por y nos vemos por estos mundos cyberneticos.

    un abrazo!!


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